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Buy sildenafil generic. I use it to treat erectile dysfunction and sexual in my patients. The quality of sildenafil is good, the price fair, it is effective and safe for the patients.
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Sildenafil can be obtained without a prescription from variety of pharmacies and drug stores.
How I Use sildenafil
I use it in three different ways:
1) As a sexual enhancer: During intercourse, it produces a feeling of increased sexual pleasure, and in my patients I use it this way as well; (not for masturbation)
2) As a treatment for erectile dysfunction: In my patients, a very significant improvement of their sexual function in the last few years was result of using sildenafil as a treatment.
3) As a sexual stimulant: The way I use it is to put under my tongue (on the base of my tongue) or to drink it in a glass (like cup) to increase its effect have more energy and increase the sexual pleasure.
I was using sildenafil for more than 30 years prior to its introduction into the market, but at that time, all of the positive results I observed were from the use with sexual function as treatment. I was a doctor and psychiatrist. Then, this problem became so urgent that doctors and psychiatrists started to make use of this drug. But, it has also become a very serious problem. I know because started to read about its problems. I have noticed that many doctors no idea about its effectiveness, the dangers and risks. If they do have any idea, many doctors do not use it properly or as recommended by the FDA.
According to the FDA, there are 3 major reasons for using sildenafil:
1) Erectile dysfunction: According to Dr. J. G. Belsa, the world's leading expert on treatment of erectile dysfunction, sexual function depends on many factors, including hormones, and one of these factors is the balance between production of testosterone and the sex hormone estrogen.
I have found out that the sildenafil tablets contain a little bit of testosterone, so the problem does not occur to an extreme degree. But, the use Generic viagra order by phone is not very effective: the erectile dysfunction is only temporary and there not a lot of improvement over time. Many doctors do not use it with the right combination of drugs and this is one of the reasons why many doctors don't understand the effectiveness.
2) Anxiety disorders: A significant percentage of women who take sildenafil have anxiety disorder that can be treated only with psychotherapy. Because of anxiety, these women are often unable to achieve an erection, but with the proper medication they can reach an erection on demand.
The use with sexual function is very effective. But, sometimes too much of it can result in erectile dysfunction.
3) Stroke : Some people use sildenafil to Sildenafil 50mg $99.39 - $0.83 Per pill treat strokes. I have read that this drug can be effective as a stroke preventive medicine. Many doctors do not have such knowledge, so many strokes happen. Some of them are very serious and can even affect the function and life span of a patient. This is one of the reason why I have started to write this information. I am Prozac online buy using it to prevent strokes from happening.
There are several kinds of strokes. There is the peripheral or ischemic stroke. This stroke occurs due to damage of the brain tissue due to ischemia (the lack of oxygen) or hemorrhage. There is also a primary or non-ischemic stroke caused by damage of the brain tissue, either due to blood clotting or other causes.
There are three classes of the drugs which are used for stroke prevention:
1) Trifluridine and amigdalide, both used in different amounts;
2) Pivotal and furosemide. These are the most effective drugs
3) Tramadol, the most effective drug for treating strokes.
Because of sildenafil, stroke can be prevented by using it.
How to Use It
To prevent the stroke, one takes this drug every day (three to five times per day and up to six times per week), until one recovers fully. In this case, it is not necessary to prescribe additional drugs, because it is a very effective drug for certain treatment.
In the patient who needs to stop the therapy early, they can take it in smaller amounts or a different way depending on their needs.
The best way to use it is take under the tongue (on base of tongue). In this way, it can be used as a stimulant and in the beginning it stimulates penis.
These pictures are of open surgery and NOT the needle aponeurotomy/fasciotomy procedure, see previous web page for these.